Monday, March 25, 2013

Dredd 2012 [English] PDVD (x264) Torrent Download

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Dredd (2012)

Year: 2012
Genre: Action,Crime,Sci-Fi
Director: Pete Travis
Starring: Karl Urban,Olivia Thirlby,Lena Headey


America is a country of the future waste radiated. On the east coast, which runs from Boston to Washington DC, Mega City One - a metropolis where violent criminals broad rule chaotic streets. The only order is to force local police called judges who have the combined forces of judge, jury and executioner of time. Known and feared throughout the city, is the ultimate Judge Dredd challenged to rid the city of its latest scourge - a dangerous drug epidemic that has users slo-mo experience reality in a fraction of its normal speed . During a routine day at work Dredd he attributes to train and evaluate Cassandra Anderson, a rookie with powerful psychic abilities due to a genetic mutation. A terrible crime requires a neighborhood where other judges rarely dare to venture - a 200-storey vertical slum controlled by the prostitutes became a drug dealer Ma-Ma and his clan cruel ... Written by production

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